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Some additional information can be found here.
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thanks for listing the differences! also, Undex (Incomplete UK) is also Negative 36b/36. it's all very perplexing. i've been trying to figure out what B2 signifies. and all along, what the Gold Index is.
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I'm curious about the Gold Index as well. Possibly 36c/36? Whatever it is, given the entries that fall under it, it seems like it'll deal with some pretty big stuff.
As for B2, by best guess would be 'book 2'. I base that largely on Steven in interview(s) saying how the protagonist of his next book (which would be his second published book), Danielle Grayson, make an appearance in the Greek Translation. Danielle Grayson's Undex (36/36) entry states 'Greek Translation Only' leading me to believe she is the protagonist of the next book. In the Canadian paperback Undex (36b/36) B2 is listed her along with her name.
'Hall, Steven' also has a B2 entry, which fits in nicely. Quantum Machinegun and Gavin the Cat do as well, but the implications of that aren't as clear.
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i just googled quantum machinegun and found this on wikipedia. specifically: Steven Hall's novel The Raw Shark Texts contains references to Max Tegmark and The Quantum Machine Gun (a alternate name for Quantum suicide thought experiment) suggesting a possible Quantum immortality reading of the story. i haven't had the chance to read it all yet, but it looks very interesting...
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Yeah, I've read through those pages before. I think I have a basic grasp on the concept behind quantum suicide and quantum immortality, but not to the point that I could easily explain it, much less relate it back to TRST in any cohesive way.
If anything, I assume it has to do with simultaneous universes, but just two, instead of an infinite amount. Possibly some kind of rift that formed at Clio's death. Or something.
I'm sure there's a lot to it. Maybe book 2 will clear it all up. :)
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Steven Hall wrote:Not all of the negatives are online, some are, but they're hiding. Some are out there in the real world, waiting to be found. out there in the real world, eh? to find them, i wonder if it's going to be something along the lines of 'treasure's trove'
Rank: Shoal Groups: Shoal
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Found one.
Or rather, it turned up in the gallery for the Raw Shark Texts facebook group.
With no further ado, the Behemothic Newlyn:
Another member of the extensive Negative 26, The Encyclopaedia of Unusual Fish.
I can quite read which --/100 it is, since facebook resizes pictures. Maybe a higher resolution version will surface at some point?
Either way, cool cool.
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that is cool. i can't quite make out which number it is either (possibly 6/100?). hopefully at some point in the near future, we will have a complete version of The Encyclopaedia of Unusual Fish.
anyway, a quick observation/question on negative 1 (The Aquarium Fragment (Prologue)), anyone have any idea what And then, at the bottom of the page, those ten little words. on page -16 refers to?
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from this review: "Indeed, there are places mentioned in the book that "if you went there, you'd find things that tell you more about the story, if you could find them". A bench in Glossop, where he grew up, has a hidden chapter. Some copies of the book feature an 'undex'others have extra sections. He's not ready to let go of the universe of conceptual fish and 'unspaces',and is busy putting together an 'encyclopaedia of unusual fish' extracts from which will be given to internet booksellers, so that readers can 'catch' them and store them in an empty, online aquarium." has anyone been to the bench in Glossop and found this chapter yet?
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Rank: Shoal Groups: Shoal
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That's a ton of pretty cool stuff.
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Agreed. Thanks for the heads up.
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I was just reading through the information about the Franciscan- At the bottom, the bit about recent attacks reported on readers of the following texts:
The Bullet Trick by Louise Welsh Gold by Dan Rhodes The End of Mr. Y by Scarlett Thomas The Pure Land by Alan Spence and the independent on Sunday newspaper
I'm not sure whatto make of these. I haven't read any, but a quick glance at them on amazon doesn't yield any obvious connections.
Are they clues, or is this just a way for Steven to recommend more books to his readers? As it is, only Mr. Y is listed under his you-may-like list.
And what about the last one- is 'the independent' the paper's name, and if so why is it not capitalized?
There's something to this, I just wish I could grasp it.
Any ideas?
Rank: Luxophage Groups: Shoal
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marsjams13 wrote:And what about the last one- is "the independent" the paper's name, and if so why is it not capitalized? I don't know about the books but The Independent on Sunday is the Sunday edition of the British The Independent newspaper. http://www.independent.co.uk/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_IndependentNot sure why the title isn't capitalized here though.
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the only link i found so far between: The Bullet Trick by Louise Welsh Gold by Dan Rhodes The End of Mr. Y by Scarlett Thomas The Pure Land by Alan Spence and The Raw Shark Texts is that they are all published by canongate books in the UK. also, i wonder if the franciscan (bede shark) is in reference to this bede?
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there's something funny about the word 'thera'...
in my uk incomplete undex version, thera is mentioned in, among other places, pages -3, -5 and 123. if you look closely:
- counting back from ONE and making the page to its left 0, -3 is the title page: THERAWSHARKTEXTS (Hall, Steven in the undex has similar references to -2 and -3, which are the copyright and title pages respectively if you use my counting method.) -5 is the very first page after the cover (for mine, anyway), and it's filled with snippets of reviews. can't find the thera in there...
- now for page 123, it took me a while to spot the thera, but there it is: chemotherapy
now for blue in the undex (it's a long list). steven hall's dropped a lot of hints about this color being important, and it's used to describe the sea at naxos, the darkening night sky, the tarpaulin eric ('a relic nine-tenths collapsed'), and the shirts of scout, second eric, fidorous and mr. nobody (as well as clio's sundress). also, the colors in greece are predominantly blue and white. anyone see anything in those connections? ('coz i don't!) and d'you guys think the other colors are important (e.g. the north star is green, like scout's eyes)?
Rank: Luxophage Groups: Shoal
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From Eva's blog: Quote:Negatives 8 and 28
Trouble at mill. Mr Webster heard today that the Hall Archive have given permission to include two of the negatives they have but we don't into international printings of the book. We haven't been consulted. Naturally he's furious. He thinks Hall is just doing it to make him look stupid. Brazil gets Negative 8 and Italy gets Negative 28 (this one apparently untagged!). Me, I'm just glad this stuff is finally getting out there in some shape or form.
Of course they're refusing to release the origional text in English. Of course they are. They're like that.
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the italian edition is called le memorie dello squalo (translated as: the memories of sharks)... and is available through a number of online sellers. so, who's going purchase one?
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i'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess heartbreak.
Prove me wrong. i dare you.
You know you want it.
Rank: Fry Groups: Shoal
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I was looking for information on Clio and thusly typed 'claames' into google search. The search, initially seeming unproductive, yielded two peculiar PDF files, viewable, through google as HTML, but not as a PDF. They seemed blank until the text was highlighted.
They're distinctly odd, though not necessarily linked to the Raw Shark Texts... still. Check it out perhaps? Definitely something the Unspace Committee would be interested in I think. It's... unwriting?
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